
The Students Webserver

The Students website is a Linux webserver maintained for students in select courses offered by the Games and Interactive Media department in NSCM. It allows current students to store and retrieve their work. For one semester after graduation, student alumni will still have access to this for their job portfolio.

Webserver Credentials

Students hoping to access the students server can do so with the following credentials below while on the VPN. If this is your first time attempting to access the Students Webserver, see the Connection Guide to get started. You can use SSH or STFP and on login your directory should be created; if it did not exist previously.


If there are any issues that cannot be resolved, email (do not Webcourse message) the professor for which the question is relevant and CC:

Write a detailed message including ALL steps taken and the errors received. Be sure to reply all when responding. This way the webserver support can help if the professor is unable to resolve the issue.